Evolution of the Studio

in 2014 the first idea for the classic stormtrooper shoes came to mind, not mine but ours – at the time we were three. In 2015 I “moved in” the project to handle all things digital and launched the first e-commerce site and so the adventure began. Over the years we had to constantly evolve and change our location to cope with everything that was thrown at us while making sure that we could provide the same or even better service.

I kept it simple, everything in the studio is built by me on my dime- my private collection – which still showcases what I do, my passion and my commitment to quality replica costumes.

Studio 01- the open room 2015-2017

That was just the reception desk at the factory of one partner. We had a long table and plenty of boxes to pack

Studio 02 – the full room 2017-2018

More shelves, more space to store, still a long table and more packing to do..

Studio 03 – the first “warehouse” 2018-2019

150 sqm of shelves to support the stocking of all the new things we had

Studio 04 – the warehouse Move 2019-2020

200 sqm to blend together stock shelves, build area workshop and digital workspace. We moved everything from south back to Shanghai to keep a closer eyes on things

Studio 04: The pandemic hideout 2021-2023

right before the pandemic, I split the workspace, all our stock moved into our transporter warehouse to make sure we could ship faster. Meanwhile prototyping, making and digital work moved to a smaller place near home so I could go whenever allowed during the pandemic.

Studio 05: the closest from home

right after the re-opening of China, the unit across my apartment was up for rent and this is where I moved the studio “just in case”. Just like the previous one I can take pictures, work on digital, build whatever but I do have a spare room for guests – it’s not the galactic cruiser experience but there is a whole lot of Star Wars to be experienced here.